FPDA Call for Presenters

Are you a dynamic industry expert, thought leader, or innovator with valuable insights to share? We invite you to join us as a speaker at one of our upcoming educational offerings.
Here are just a few reasons to become an FPDA speaker:
• Showcase your expertise and thought leadership to FPDA members.
• Connect with industry peers, influencers, and potential collaborators.
• Elevate your personal brand and professional reputation.
• Contribute to the advancement of the fluid power industry knowledge and best practices.
• Gain visibility and exposure to a diverse audience of professionals and decision-makers.
To be considered, please provide the following information:
Presenter information
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Program type
Presentation Type:
Program details
Proposed Program Title:
Short Description:
Learning Objectives (Key Takeaways):
Intended Audience:
Level of Complexity:
Short Speaker Bio (2-4 sentences):
Speaker Materials:
Additional Information:
All applications will be reviewed by FPDA’s Education Committee. The committee will contact you directly if they have additional questions, or regarding next steps.
Note: speakers have been finalized for the 2024 Industry Summit; all Summit presenter applications will be for the 2025 Industry Summit.
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